Monday, April 9, 2012

Yard Work and Lincoln Logs

I had off work this past Friday and decided to get a good workout in first thing because Jason and I were set to make the trip to my parents house and help them with their landscaping bed out front. J-dog had to work (poor sucker) so I was free to get a few things done around the house. We headed out around 3:00 with the big dog tiller in the back of the truck and Mousse in tow. The dog was obviously exhausted about 20 minutes into our drive.

The dog has a rough life, I tell you. We had a couple of hours worth of sunlight so we got right to work!

Dad and Jason tilled the front landscape bed to prep for a new fantasgreat plan that will be executed in the few shorts weeks ahead.

They had a little too much fun with that machine. You know who had more fun?

This guy.

I wish I loved anything as much as this dog loves tennis balls and mud. Oh wait. I do. Easter M&M's. Yum.

My mom, sis and I went to pick up dinner and got side tracked at the DAV Thrift Store. I am super stoked that we did because we scored hard core. I have been on the hunt for things to assist in my craft projects around the house and I got everything and MORE. One fun thing I did score on was a bunch on wooden toys, including Lincoln Logs! The whole dang set for $7! I love thrift stores. Dad was upset about us getting sidetracked until I distracted him with my new toys. 

He was so proud! 

I will explain why I was so excited to find wooden toys. Not only are they just awesome and makes me feel nostalgic about my childhood, they are better quality than cheap plastic toys that I am told seep toxins into our children's bodies. But Amanda. You do not have any children. Yes. I realize this, thank you. What I do have are friend's with gorgeous babies and they will have something to play with when they come over and if not, we happen to have like 6 closets I can hide them in. Jason happened to think the toys were cool so at least I did not get a weird reaction out of him. Score. 


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