Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rockin' Weekend!!

I had the BEST gig this past weekend!! It was for my Alma Mater, ECPI, College of Technology. They hired me last year to DJ for their Holiday Party, so I was obviously thrilled that they hired me again! I love returning clients...can not get any better. ANYWAY. The original date for the holiday party was snowed out so the "snow date" was this past Saturday. All the faculty and admin was there to rock the house. I even brought my karaoke machine to host a on-the-cuff American Idol competition. You can never go wrong with karaoke when there are a few drinks involved :) I just had a blast.

This is my down time for DJing right now but wedding season is JUST around the corner!!! I cannot wait!!! I love DJing for weddings....you just cant replace that happy, lovey environment with anything else.

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