Sunday, October 3, 2010

{The Inspiration Behind} Our Save The Date postcard

We FINALLY sent our save the dates this past week! YAY! Wanna know a little secret? I FRIGGIN LOVE THEM. 

My dad and I made these together and let me tell you, I have never laughed so hard. We took the movie poster from "Muscle Beach Party" and photoshopped our families heads on the characters. That bearded man holding the lady at the top? Thats my dad and mom. The two ladies holding up the guy at the top? Jasons mom, Peggy, and Gwen holding up Jasons dad, Mark. The girl balancing the beach ball on the side? Sarah. The girl inside that beach ball? Shelly. The couple at the bottom? Me and Jason. OH and the dog on the surfboard? MOUSSE MAN. I mean really. I cant help but giggle at the thing. 

Another cool little feature? The stamps! (not seen here) I took one of our engagement pictures by the lovely miss ashley and went to zazzle and made stamps. yeah. its amazing the things you can do nowadays. 

To be honest the idea was just a brainchild between my dad and I. I wanted them to look like a concert poster at first but then quickly changed my mind! Im so happy I did! 

Oh and if this is the first time stopping by the blog, welcome! I will be updating with wedding details, house details, our little adventures and maybe the few annoying stories about our dog. Sorry we are just those kinda people that like to talk about our dog :) I hope you start checking in and following! 

(if you havent watched the beach party movies from the early sixties you are missing out...i mean. seriously. they are so crazy)  

1 comment:

Ashley said...

OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM!!! And I can't wait to see my picture in STAMP FORM!!!! <3 You my dear, rock. But you already knew that.